Monday, March 22, 2010

Private Universe: possibilities of real life problems

I like the last video because it made me think the different ways that we can come up with to try and relate real life problems to the classrooms.Even though I would be putting aside the curriculum that I follow, it might be in the best interest of the students to once in a while introduce a problem and observe how they can come up with a solution with the knowledge they already obtain. I like that none of the researchers gave any answers or told them that they are close to the answer. They have to understand that someone long ago started with the same problems and detemination to find answers. How can someone be sure that their answer is correct when no one else has the answer. All that is left is the knowledge that you have and use it to prove it or use it to develop other ideas. Most of the groups in the video were certain that they had the correct answer, but after talking they began to realize that they were wrong. That type of environment is how math got started. Using their ability to analyze problems and come up with conclusions will benefit them with whatever they encounter in life.

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