Sunday, January 31, 2010

Video : Private Universe Children's Ideas in Mathematics

Watching the video made me realize that the development of a child's mind is very important. In the video I was able to see that at a young age they are able to come up with strategies to problems. The video shows that giving a student a chance to come up with a strategy or possible solution would create more of a thought process than telling the student how to solve the problem. This concept deals with stimulating their minds. This would be a great way to start lessons, though not every lesson, to see what new ideas students can conjure up. The students would benefit more than if they were simply taught the solutions. The important thing is to challenge their minds at a young age. Starting the process at an early stage in their lives will eventually lead to higher order thinking not just in math, but in any subject that challenges them. I strongly believe that students who come up with their own ideas and strategies will have a better understanding of the concept than memorizing steps.

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